All Deposits and Booking Amount are taken in “good faith” and are non-refundable under any circumstances.
If any order cancelled other than performance related issue then restocking fees of 30% will be applicable.
If the order is cancelled after shipping, then restocking fees of 30% will be applicable along with the shipping charges.
If the order refused at the doorstep, then restocking fees of 30% will be applicable along with the shipping charges (to-and-from)
In the unlikely event of a Head/Block/Transmission being defective, we will require the following to be emailed only to us: (ATTN: Claims or Queries emailed to sales@autopartsocean.com.au)
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this warranty or any other type of questions, please feel free to contact us via email at sales@autopartsocean.com.au or can call us at +1888-819-5651
Auto Parts Ocean reserves the right to change or modify this warranty at any time. Detailed terms & conditions link will always be available on the order confirmation form.
Auto Parts Ocean is an entity of Auto Parts Ocean Pty. Ltd.